Friday, September 17, 2010



umm i dont know how to explain this without reveling everything but ill be going to 9ja next week to see my boyfriend!! am so excited and wary at the same excited because i love to see different cultures and Nigeria for me represents alot of culture,i mean the country is huge..theres no way it could be boring over there right?!

will bring more news when am back!



hey world! so i haven't been here in the longest time ever and i have very good reasons.2 months ago i was on vacation in my country Zambia.and silly me forgot to take my laptop along with me.

heres a few things that struck me:

1. International and local calling is bloody expensive! like if you don't have some serious moolah in your phone you cannot talk AT ALL.this was the first thing i noticed naturally because i had to be on the phone constantly with my parents and boyfriend.i don't know about other parts of Africa but back home they aint even playin...

2.Apparently,when someone doesn't live in Zambia its noticeable! hehe not that i have an accent of any sort but people could tell and that was crazy...

The food was awesome! i was not disappointed,in fact i had to carry some of that Zambian stuff with me as i was coming missing my nshima and chiwawa already :(
all in all i had fun in zambia and i wish i carried my camera along to take pics but i forgot it too...smh...


Thursday, June 17, 2010


hey lovelies! hope every1 hd a lovely day like i did?! OK so i came across these here pictures from PRIDE MAGAZINE *yall need to check it out* and the 1st thing that came to mind was GORGEOUS!i dont know whose concept this was but it was on point!! how i would love to be in one of these *day dreaming* anyway..enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

10 things i love about my boyfriend....

1)I LOVE HOW HE WORKS SO HARD- as much as i would love to spend a whole lot of time with him and always complain when hes too tired to hang out with me,iam proud of the fact that he is hardworking.

2)I LOVE HOW HE IS SO NEAT/CLEAN- we all know how much of a job it is to live with boys but luckily i have the most tidy boyfriend around lol

3)I LOVE HIS EYELASHES- this might seem odd but i love watching him blink.he has the longest eyelashes iv ever seen on a man!

4)I LOVE HOW HE TREATS HIS FAMILY-you can tell the character of a man by how he treats his mother.he is so loving and caring with his!

5)I LOVE HOW HE TAKES CARE OF ALMOST EVERYTHING-hes got some sort of jack of all trades thing going on and i love it! hes my hero...

6)I LOVE HOW SERIOUSLY HE TAKES RELIGION-am not by any means the strongest person spiritually but i try and he is helping me get stronger although he has no idea...

7)I LOVE HOW KIND HE IS- although sometimes i think people take advantage of him because of that :(

8)I LOVE HOW no matter how deep in sleep he is,when am sleeping close enough he draws me into his arms & cuddles me...and the best part is he does this while hes asleep!!lol

9)I LOVE HOW HE TRIES TO BE BETTER for me... am not the easiest person to be with and hes changed alot about himself so i can be happy.i appreciate it and i luv him 4 that.:(

10)I LOVE HOW WE ARE IMPERFECT...because a perfect relationship is 1 with imperfections...

luv u boo!


BEEF- As i said earlier on am currently living and studying in India and it so happens that Indians (the Hindu and they are the largest religious community in modern day India) worship the cow because it was the favorite pet of most Hindu is a scared animal to them therefore they DO NOT EAT BEEF... am beef starved and eating some of that good stuff at zambeef is the top of my priority he he

2)LIVINGSTONE-the tourist capital of Zambia! i cannot wait to go and have some much deserved fun over see, am one of those unfortunate people who did not do any travelling within their own country(i hardly know my way around Lusaka) so this to me is like a really big deal....i cant wait to see what that place is all about!

CLUBBING- mehnn,if i tell you the last time i went into a serious African club you wont believe me.i need to see black folk in, rumba,bumping and grinding,sweating having fun,laughing and flirting!! jeez...i really really look forward to this..

4)SALOONS- hahaha this may sound stupid but i need to get my hair did...seriously,we may have African hairdressers in different countries but mehnn,the ones in Africa are THE TRUTH...theres no style of braiding,weaving,attaching,fixing,cutting,shaving lol * OK you get it * that they dont know! i really miss letting the stylist do her thing as opposed to directing them from start to finish *sigh*

i really wanna do all those and then some.....oh and then theres the lil issue of never know how much stuff you have till you try to put it all in a suitcase! Christ...see the outfits i was busy jamming into this super huge suitcase...i was beginning to wonder if i over packed or the thing was just too small lol ahh..i need like a suitcase for clothes,shoes and accessories! i really suck at packing for someone who lives outta a suitcase...anyway,off to finish!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

wordless post...


So the FIFA world cup games kick off today...i really dont know if i'll ever see my boyfriend again :(

see,he is a very serious football fan and he never misses a game.the whole Chelsea saga ended just last month and i thought i would get him back but comes the world cup!On a lighter note am really happy its happening in the southern part of Africa,nothing news worthy ever happens from those parts.

so ladies,what will you do to keep busy while your bf's/husbands and what nots are glued to the TV?

music to my ears..

so the song am loving right now is this one right here.....

Drake - Show Me A Good Time (Thank Me Later

10 things ilove....

hey world...

so when i was starting this blog i made a promise to myself that i would try by all means to keep my personal stuff away from here but to hell wit it...i think from now on ill write whatever pops to mind...
so as i was going around blogsville i noticed people making a ten things i love post so i figured i should too though am super late but who cares right?! so here you have it~~

1)GOD: I know my relationship with HIM is still undergoing construction but one thing i know for sure is am NOTHING with out HIM.HE has seen me through many a tough time and even though my faith is still not on point HE always comes through...for that am thankful.HE is indeed a marvelous Jehovah

2)MY FAMILY:Everyone probably thinks its a cliche to say this but i really do love my family to bits.i have only 2 siblings and the parents.its a really small family so y'all can understand when i say we are very close knit.without them am NOTHING.we have our regular misunderstandings but t the end of the day they are my solace and support system.we have gone through SO much together and as individuals,i cant imagine my life without them*hugs*

3)MY BOYFRIEND:The lord knows i have had so many ups and downs with this man because of so many different things* we are from different countries mind you*...sometimes i feel like am fighting a loosing battle but when i relax and think things through, i realize its all worth fighting for.Am absolutely in luv with my boyfriend...

4)TRAVELLING:theres something intriguing about going to a place you've never been to...well thats what it is with me,too many romantic novels no? lol yea well its like that for me and i intend to visit at least 30 countries before i grow old!

5)MUSIC: like,you can have the TV,take the DVD'S and to hell with whatever,just leave the stereo and the iPod with me!! i love is my joke! there is always a song i can relate to when am sad,happy,frustrated or heartbroken...and after listening to that my mood changes almost instantly! its therapeutic yo lol try it!

6)READING: ahhhh another one of my favorite things to do in this world.i can be locked in the house for hours with a good book and be very content with that.i love reading,it takes you to different places depending on what your get lost in the book and even become part of the characters! or is it just me?well i do that so its fun...

7)SHOPPING: i dont think theres a girl alive who hates shopping! unlike most of my friends i can spend the whole day in the mall looking through the shops and trying on stuff before i make up my mind.i hate buying everything expensive,my wardrobe is a mix of cheap AND pretty expensive clothes/shoes/accessories.i enjoy the process of looking for then finding something cheap but beautiful..i dont know why...

8)BABIES: whats not to love about babies?! they are like miniature little people who cant am happy when i can figure out how to make a baby happy...

9)MAKEUP: i love experimenting with different colors and amuses me how different i look with different applications...i can totally transform myself in 5mins! cool...

10)RAINY DAYS: most people have the notion that when it rains its gloomy...i love the me it signifies a new beginning.everything has been washed away and everything is clean and new...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So,i love to think of myself as very artistic..which of course am not lol anyway,to me being artistic doesnt mean having a good eye for art or knowing how to me its making something ordinary beautiful! and thats where MAKEUP comes face is my canvas,i like to try on different colors/shades just to see how different i'll look when iam done.

And so far the cosmetics line that allows me to achieve such looks is M.A.C. not because its the most popular cosmetics line out there but because they have a professional makeup studio thing goin on lol so yea...right now am in love with their TO THE BEACH line which is mostly corals,blues,greens and plums. they have some kind of summer vibe goin on with this line which is perfect 4 me cos its summer in India.cant wait to get my hands on some of these babies...

oh and the looks i like alot are the sand and sun..gorgeous!

check it out the link posted below ladies!


M�A�C Cosmetics | To the Beach |

Monday, May 24, 2010


2 weeks AWOL from unexpected.this week has been soooo filled up with drama i could hardly catch my breath lol but i promised myself i would'nt write anything personal so i wont say..hehe
so while i was trying to cheer myself up i went on YouTube* i always do that* to look for random funny videos when i found this....

lmao i cant stop laughing...thought id share it...


Friday, May 7, 2010

strike a pose!

I dont know if i mentioned this or not earlier but am a fashion whore,for lack of a better word..i dont necessarily go out and splurge every day or anything funky like that but when i do i like getting nice things...and by nice i might be talking about things that are a tad bit expensive! dont get me wrong! i buy a lot of cheap stuff wadrobe is 50/50...and the next things on my wishlist mus be one of these... im in luv!

so,i didn't put the names of the designers besides the dress but the names of the designers are Ituen Basi,anna macraney,nike kinola & korto * she was on project runway season 5* i LOVE these...i usually don't like African wear but these caught my attention,maybe because my mom recently gifted me an African dress *love u mommy* which she made herself.*shes a designer* so yea...i really want something like that and soon...

Zambians in the spotlight..

sup blogsville!! so,a lot has been going on this week with school and all and today is the day iam free enough to not really going to make this an all things Zambian type of blog but ever since i noticed there aren't so many Zambian type blogs i decided to take it upon myself to change that lol yea so as i was busy snooping round i came across a very beautiful and talented zambian musician who is hardly known...her name is karen mukupa...

Pretty, spunky , fun , strong , courageous, eclectic are some of the words that come to my mind when I think of Karen Mukupa.

Karen lived in Tanzania until the age 15 before moving to Denmak her father's land where she currently resides. She's always known that she would become a musician one day, well she's doing it and doing it well.

She was part of a reggae duo with her late friend Natashja (danish/sudanese sista) who passed away in 2007 through a car accident in Jamaica. Her death shaked Danish people who loved the duo . I just found out that she was the singer of this very popular club song, Calabria that I'm sure some of you must know (I'll put in the playlist ).

Karen is keeping their legacy alive by pursuing a solo career. Her new album is called "Dreamer", I listened to a few tracks and I loved it, there are some strong reggae influences, afro cuban, pop, hip hop, R & B..I would def' recomend it* wink*

visit her website and see more!

my other highlight today is a lady who's been in the Zambian music scene for mom used to dance to this womans music when SHE was young! hehehe
What can I say? Another beautiful voice I'm discovering and sharing with you all.
If you like folk african music with a lot of soul , Maureen is your girl. This zambian woman mixes tradional rythm, reggae, soul,pop, def' tunes I would listen to on my ipod. Maureen has 20+years of experience on both local and international scene. This mother of four is also a four time recepient of the NAC award for best zambian female artist is well know in her native zambia where she's fondly called "mama zambia". She just released her latest album called "Soul Masala", a project on which she worked with both zambian and european musicians.
Check her out , she's def' interesting:

am on a roll people!! from music to sports....iam not that big of a golf fan,in fact,the only thing i know about golf is tiger woods lol but i found an amazing Zambian pro on..

Even though Madalitso hasn't won yet any major International tournament yet, regardless at just 25 years old, Madalitso is the first black African player to play @ the US Open.

He started playing @ the age of 9 and @ 15 years old, former Zambian president Frederic Chiluba offered him the chance to go play for a local tournament in America...this gave him the opportunity to attend New Mexico Uni where he turned pro.

Madalitso is known to be a devout Christian young man who's proud of his accomplishments and wants 2 be a role model for other African children who want to play golf as well.

Wishing much success to this brotha:)

pheww...ummm i have to make a part 2!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

sakala brothers head to poland...

I have not heard any recent music from the duo..hope they are still as good as i can remember...i found this article and i thought i should share it...

THE Sakala Brothers have been invited to Poland for the 20th International festival of sacred music ‘Gaude Mater’ which begins today and will run up to May 6.

According to a statement, the Sakala Brothers - Levy and Moses - will be accompanied to the jubilee by eight other unnamed Zambian artistes.

“Gaude Mater international festival of sacred music, organised since 1991 under the patronage of the ministry of culture and national heritage and the Episcopate of Poland is one of the major musical events in Poland and the only one with such comprehensive formula. Gaude Mater also belongs to the leading festivals in Europe,” the statement reads.

The statement reads that the greatest value for Gaude Mater is the idea of the encounter of cultures and religions through presentation of music of various religions and denominations, from choir music concerts to big cantata or oratorio form.

“During the 19 successive festivals, music lovers have had the opportunity to listen to Catholic, Russian, Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Andean and Mohammedan music. Every year the festival is accompanied by the academic seminar, addressing current issues in the field of Sacrum in Music,” the statement reads.

The statements reads that every year, over 1,000 performers are invited to take part in the festival, including orchestras, choirs, chamber music ensembles and soloists who give about 20 festival concerts.

Zambia joins Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Iran, Lithuania, Russia, Syria, Turkey and the US among the groups, ensembles, soloists and choirs that are expected to perform at the festival this year.



i luv rihanna's style...not so much her music so dont think too much if u see too many rhirhi pics up in here hehe...

one of my ol time fav looks...this is something i could wear...


its funny how you begin to appreciate certain things when you have no access to think im talking about relationships right?WRONG!am talking about non other than nshima...nshima is one of those things that an African cannot live without,believe it or not.

in different parts of Africa it has different names AKA fufu,sadza,nshima,pap et all BUT its just one and the same lol i cannot believe i have dedicated an entire post to talk about my love for nshima hehehehe and the funny thing is a dont even like it like that..i miss it yea but not obsessed with it...anyway,ife ku zambia this is how we cook nshima...



1 cup cold water
3 cups hot water
2 to 3 cups corn meal


Boil water in a saucepan. Make a paste using some of the meal with the cup of cold water. Add the paste to hot water. Stir with a wooden spoon until thickened like porridge. Cover the saucepan and simmer for some time (about 15 minutes). Lower the heat a little. Remove the lid and gradually add corn meal, stirring constantly and flattening any lumps that may form. Continue to add meal and stir until nshima thickens to the desired consistency (some people like it thin, and others prefer it thick). Cover and reduce heat to very low. Leave for a few minutes to allow further cooking. Stir the nshima once again and serve in a slightly wet serving dish. Cover to keep it warm. Serve with meat, poultry, fish, or vegetables.


wordless post...

wedding bug...

wait! DO NOT freak not getting married or anything like that*am too razz 4 that right now lol* but im finding myself thinking alot about weddings ever since a friend of mine asked me to help her plan her own wedding thats taking place next i got to thinking,if i ever need to plan my own wedding this is how id like it to look like...


this here dress is a Pnina Tornai 2009 Collection and costs $10,000 approx...a girl can dream init?lol



beautiful isnt it??

Friday, April 30, 2010

am lozi baby!!!

Thank u mom & dad...i wouldn't have done it without you!hehe

In my previous post i listed down a couple of Zambian tribes and i happen to be a lozi girl...and am abt to school u about my tribe ;)

The Lozi people are an ethnic group primarily of western Zambia, inhabiting the region of Barotseland. Lozi are also found in Namibia (Caprivi Strip), Angola and Botswana.The word LOZI means 'plain' in the Makololo language, in reference to the Barotse Floodplain of the Zambezi on and around which most Lozi live. The political organisation of the Lozi has long centered around a monarchy, whose figurehead (a king) is known as 'Litunga' which means 'keeper of the earth.'

we have a very elaborate dress called the MISISI *will add pics* and Lozi culture is strongly influenced by the flood cycle of the Zambezi river, with annual migrations taking place from the flood plain to higher ground at the start of the wet season. The most important of these festivals is the Kuomboka, in which the Litunga moves from Lealui in the flood plain to Limulunga on higher ground. The Kuomboka usually takes place in February or March.

zambia... in as much as i love talking about my country to other people,i just realized that good number of the people i know or hang out with don't really know my country..well of course everyone and their uncle rick knows or at least heard about "the chipolo polo boys" and their tagic death *MYSRIP* but other than that..its Zambia?! u mean Gambia?! noooo fool...ZAMBIA! southern Africa! lol

so the point of doing this is to enlighten the masses... after all,iam proudly Zambian right?! *wink*

here ya go!

Southern Africa, east of Angola and north of Botswana and Zimbabwe.
Land Boundaries:
Angola 1,110 km, Democratic Republic of the Congo 1,930 km, Malawi 837 km, Mozambique 419 km, Namibia 233 km, Tanzania 338 km, and Zimbabwe 797 km.

Size is 752,614 sq km , slightly larger than Texas, US. Zambia has a tropical climate which is modified by altitude. There's one rainy season which lasts from October to April. Zambia's terrain is mostly high plateau with some hills and mountains. Its lowest point is the Zambezi river at 329 m and its highest point is an unnamed location in Mafinga Hills standing at 2,301 m. Zambia is a landlocked country with the Zambezi river forming a natural boundary with Zimbabwe.

Just over 11 million people live in Zambia. Life expectancy is around 43 years. Birth rate is on average 5.47 per woman. 16.5% of the population is believed to have HIV/AIDS. Literacy rate is at 80%.

English (official); major vernaculars include Bemba, Kaonda, Lozi, Lunda, Luvale, Nyanja, Tonga, and about 70 other indigenous languages.

***Ethnic Groups***:
African 98.7% (major tribes - Bemba, Kaonda, Lozi, Lunda, Luvale, Nyanja, Tonga, Chewa), European 1.1%, and other 0.2%...(I HAPPEN TO BE LOZI!)

Christian 50%-75%, Muslim and Hindu 24%-49%, indigenous beliefs 1%.

that is Zambia in a nutshell,there are so many aspects of this country that i would love to share here but i cannot possibly do that in one post so i will try to do regular posts about my country when i can! i haven't even touched the food and tourism! like i said,i love to cook so i will be uploading my Zambian dishes whenever i can..

although my country is small demographic wise,i think of it as a big country.we are rich in so many aspects.we are one of the friendliest countries in the world *fact*,we have so many natural resources, we have alot of languages AND we are a Christian nation! in spite of all the problems,we have never had a civil war,*not that i know of anyway* and we enjoy freedom and peace...doesnt that make u wanna be zambian?! lol



so...last time i said i was gonna make a post about INDIA!well here it is.the deal is,iv been living in India for approximately 4yrs now.i left Zambia in 2006 & im still here today. India is a really different place,different could be good or bad but in this case im not sure where i stand.when i got to this country,my journey from the airport was one of heard so much about this country and now i was in it! back then when some1 mentioned "india" all that came to mind was spices lol

yea so as the embassy driver was driving along we opened the windows so we could get a good look at the soon as the windows rolled all the way down,it happen...BAM!! the 1st thing that hit me was the omg,it stinks everywhere! wtf?! then i saw why... EVERY 5 MINS the car cruised by i spoted cows...big cows,small cows,cows with calves,single cows,gay cows lol *okey okey* so u get the picture?! then one after another i saw these yellow and green lil devil lookin bikes/cars jetting down the they have a name..AUTO RICKSHAWS..all drivers of these lil bad boys are as devilish as the machines themselves...and cheaters too :(

you know what?! if i write in details about each and every thing iv smelt or noticed this post will be hella long and we dont want that now do we? so ill make a pros and cons trype ...

> different culture..very colorful!
> the weather is good 4 ma skin yall! am like smoother or something..hehe
> school makes much more sense over here i guess?!
>i love all the markets and anything shopping related which is all over this place!
> i met my bf over here soo...nuff said <3> the architecture is breathtaking! its so old and ancient! reminds u of Aladdin lol

>the smell yo...arghh so bloody annoying!
>a good number of Indians are soo racist,you'd swear they've never seen other races b4!
>the cows...arghh and am scared of any type of domesticated animals as it is!

so,dont mind that the pros outnumber the cons...its 3:30am and am sleepy,il be wide awake for part 2 but here are some pictures of the infamous india!



well,i really dont know how to describe myself but ill try..

im a 20 something year old Zambian lady *lady?!in my 3rd year at university...
living in India.
im 50% introvert 50% extrovert...
i love my family to bits...
have only 2 siblings...
am dating an amazing yet very annoying sometimes guy *smiles*.
i <3 makeup! OMG...i think in my previous life i was a highly paid makeup artist! lol i luv blending and playing around with my face! like seriously,iv figured out 4 ways to make myself look completely cool is that?!i love swimming,in fact thats the only sport i think i have ever had interest in,although am a huge Chelsea fan by default..i love travelling,if i could id be in a different country every morning but *sighs* thats not possible now is it? oh yes...i love cooking...especially when im not forced into doing it!i love feeding the people around me lol hope this will find me a hubby 1 day! *dreams* i digress...

i love animals...cats,dogs monkeys name them! i think anything that cannot tlk is adorable *could this be the reason i find babies amusing???!* lmao ok nuff said... anything more should be asked..i intend to blog about this country i live in,it is really interesting for the most part...

hello world!

well first things first,i dont know f any1 will be able to read this blog cos i tried my damn best to set it to private lol but in case ANY1 is...welcome! as you can see this is my very 1st try to update every now and then.* shuffling between school,facebook,a boyfriend and life is a full time job!* out!

oh yea,THIS BLOG IS RANDOM THING TYPE OF BLOG...i have nothing specific to write about other than what happens in my daily life that I find too amusing to bringin all that jazz right here...
