Wednesday, June 16, 2010

10 things i love about my boyfriend....

1)I LOVE HOW HE WORKS SO HARD- as much as i would love to spend a whole lot of time with him and always complain when hes too tired to hang out with me,iam proud of the fact that he is hardworking.

2)I LOVE HOW HE IS SO NEAT/CLEAN- we all know how much of a job it is to live with boys but luckily i have the most tidy boyfriend around lol

3)I LOVE HIS EYELASHES- this might seem odd but i love watching him blink.he has the longest eyelashes iv ever seen on a man!

4)I LOVE HOW HE TREATS HIS FAMILY-you can tell the character of a man by how he treats his mother.he is so loving and caring with his!

5)I LOVE HOW HE TAKES CARE OF ALMOST EVERYTHING-hes got some sort of jack of all trades thing going on and i love it! hes my hero...

6)I LOVE HOW SERIOUSLY HE TAKES RELIGION-am not by any means the strongest person spiritually but i try and he is helping me get stronger although he has no idea...

7)I LOVE HOW KIND HE IS- although sometimes i think people take advantage of him because of that :(

8)I LOVE HOW no matter how deep in sleep he is,when am sleeping close enough he draws me into his arms & cuddles me...and the best part is he does this while hes asleep!!lol

9)I LOVE HOW HE TRIES TO BE BETTER for me... am not the easiest person to be with and hes changed alot about himself so i can be happy.i appreciate it and i luv him 4 that.:(

10)I LOVE HOW WE ARE IMPERFECT...because a perfect relationship is 1 with imperfections...

luv u boo!